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What Book Genre Do I Read?Young Adult ♥ Paranormal Romance ♥ Urban Fantasy ♥ Dystopian ♥ Historical Romance ♥ Contemporary ♥ Erotica

Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank

Jacob  - Jacquelyn Frank

i thought this love story was so beautiful. apparently if you like BDB you will like this. even though i did not like BDB i loved this book. i loved the take on demons. I thought it was si different and interesting. They are not really evil being and they have this powers depending on their elements, like fire, water, earth, body, mind...i thought that was so cool and am very intrigied by it all and will definitely be continuing the series.

i loved this soulmate and destiny thing between jacob and bella and i really enjoyed following them to the end of the story. i thought their love story was quite beautiful and i enjoyed finding out wht bella was and how her and jacob's destiny would play out and all his insercurities and all. i feel like she is his light and i just really enjoyed this love story so much.

i loved all of the other characters. i loved noah and eliah. i thought they were funny at times and noah is very wise and i admired him and am glad he is the king. i cant wait to read noah's story. eliah was just too funny, letting a girl(bella) beat him...haha. i enjoyed gideon. i feel he is also very wise and ancient and i have a feeling i will like his story next. i loved legna and have grown to just love her. she is so sweet. and corrdine and kane, i wish we got more of them i wish there was more where she would wake up and see kane and what would happen next. i hope maybe we get some of them in one of the other books.

this book was overall very enjoyable as any paranormal romance series can be. if you like paranormal romance, you should definitely check it out.